Lawrence Ferlinghetti, one of the iconic figures of the beat generation of  America ans a best selling poet is 100 today.Ferlinghetti is frail and almost blind yet his mind is quite active and at 100 he is eager to launch revolution  against capitalism that eats into the vitals of society. He has recently finished a novel named LITTLE BOY which is autobiographical and is to be launched today commemorating the author’s hundredth birthday.
Born in New York and spent a good deal of time in Paris, Ferlinghetti chose San Francisco to be his favourite abode. The city has become a literary shrine, thanks to CITY LIGHTS BOOKS founded by Ferlinghetti in early 50s. This city has decided to celebrate 24th March as LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI DAY in honor of the beloved poet .A street is also named after him.
Ferlinghetti along with the likes of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, raised the banner of protest against Vietnam War and the sheer culture of capitalism in America. They were beat writers.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a revolutionary in his ideas and wishes others should come and join together to criticize the prevalent crony capitalism that corrodes humanity slowly and surely. His works are constant reminders for people that if something is not done unitedly, the face of humanity will be in complete jeopardy.
A moment of joy for all who love change is a must for humanity .
A Happy Birthday To LAWRENCE Ferlinghetti!
