Due to coronavirus much of the world is under lockdown and it has its obvious impact on our environment.The most noticeable thing seen recently is that there has been a decline in air pollution around the world.New Delhi, India's capital city has seen a sharp decline in Fine Particulate Matter- the most dangerous of air pollutants.The air pollution also declined in Julandhar, a city in the indian state of Punjab.People in this city can see the towering Himalayas- a sight not seen in the last three decades and this has happened due to the sharp downfall in air pollution. The sky is cleaner.The air is soothing.One can inhale it to find the difference.Los Angeles in the United States reported a noticeable fall in nitrogen in its air.Such changes are reported almost everywhere in the world where the pandemic has forced people to be shut inside.
Animals are seen roaming.They might be surprised to notice no human movements. The water of the holy indian river the Ganges has become clean enough to drink as no industrial waste discharges into it.The water of another indian river the Yamuna(notorious for its polluted water) has become rather clean if not drinkable(of course it is now bathable).
Birdsongs are a common thing now.With minimal human activities going around, nature has become an object to contemplate. Lockdown has this positive aspect.
