Since the American media giant CNN reported that the north korean dictator is in grave danger after a cardiovascular surgery, the rumor mills are buzzing about the health of the dictator. CNN cited US monitoring intelligence as the source claiming Kim Jong Un is nearing his end.American President dismissed the report saying it was wrong , but later he too showed his lack of any information about the dictator. For a week media houses around the world have been keeping close eyes over any clues coming from Pyongyang. Initially South Korea dismissed CNN saying that the dictator's health was not in any grave danger, but it said that the 36 year old man was recovering after a massive heart valve surgery in some mountain villa outside of Pyongyang. Yesterday was the foundation day of the republic , but Kim was not seen.Also, China, the closest ally of North Korea, sent a team of medics to help the dictator.Afterwards a Japanese media outlet reported that the dictator was in 'vegetative state'. A few hours later, at Hong Kong Satellite Television, a China backed  journalist who is the niece of Chinese foreign minister, openly said that the dictator had died and the anchor cited very 'solid source '.After a couple of hours, South Korean media said that the dictator was reportedly seen walking at a beach resort in the state of Wosan on the east coast.No media houses claimed any firsthand information about the dictator as it is always extremely difficult to extract any information out of Pyongyang. Today multiple media sources claimed that a satellite image showed the dictator's train parked into his compound. But, no information about the dictator.
Speculations are rife. Uncertainty prevails. One thing that can easily be concluded is that the dictator is not well : either he is brain dead after a reported botched surgery or he is dead.
