“Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher.”
William Wordsworth, British Poet & exponent of Romanticism in Poetry, was born On This Day in 1770.He was the greatest bard of Nature.His poetry can be a nice companion to everyone in these times of isolation & frustration as his poems are great treasure troves of solace & solitude that will definitely soothe our nerves.We have almost forgotten nature in our false and fragile sense of advancement. Nature is only recognized if not remembered in times of disasters when all our advancement fall flat against the unfathomable power and mystery of nature.Wordsworth lamented the growing impacts of industrialization on human life during his time as people were becoming more attached to machine driven society and forgetting natural world.He fretted the increasing loss of connection with nature.His poems are testimony to the power of nature as a guiding soul all pervasive in the entire universe.Nature for him meant a teacher that would never let us astray.He was born 250 years ago but his philosophy has never been more relevant than in our times.Today we are living a rat race kind of life and our prime motive is greed driven.We don’t attach importance that the world of nature deserve.Instead we wreaking havoc on all things natural.Nature is all powerful. We must understand this if we want to lead a life of peace and wish for the longevity of this civilization. The poetry of William Wordsworth reminds of our true path of how to maintain balance between our material world and our spiritual world.

