In Pic:-Amongst the school children at Emma E Becker Elementary School Sarasota Fla. President #GeorgeBush was informed by his Chief of Staff #AndrewCard about the plane crashing #WorldTradeCenter.

It has been 20yrs since the attack and during these time terrorism has taken on new forms and new areas. The recent mess in Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban are indicative of a world that still struggles to find ways to put an end to the acts of terrorism. US has come under scathing criticism of its exit from Afghanistan where it had gone to catch Osama Bin Laden which it successfully did but alas it failed to bring about peace in the region. Instead it has left the nation into the lurch.

Big powers promotes covertly or overtly divisions resulting in endless strifes around the world. It's high time for the USA to introspect how far it has been successful to mitigate (or otherwise) war & terrorism around the world.

#911Remembered . #USA

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