Living in a material world is challenging as we have a list of priorities or life-goals but we are always confused what to be put at the top. Amid these goals lurks a desire to carve a name for oneself. And, that’s not a bad idea altogether. We toil hard to achieve our target and in achieving this we sacrifice many things. Yes, life’s achievements are a chronology of sacrifices. We must be conscious of this idea.

Happiness is latent inside us. Sadly, we don’t recognize that it is there within. Instead we keep searching for it outside in men and materials. And, we fail to get it. Happiness is a state of our consciousness- of our being.

We lead an anxiety ridden life or depressed life. We are either busy thinking about our past or speculating about our future. The former leads to anxiety while the latter to depression. The truth is the present and we don’t live in the present. We are lost beings. Living in the moments shall have a positive bearing on our psyche. It will reduce unnecessary musings and heal us of the wounds and scars that get inflicted upon our psyche due to anxieties of uncertainty and the depression of failures.

Be in the moment and start relishing it. Happiness awaits you at your door. Open and accept.
